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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Apa itu Google Adsense ?


Sebenarnya dari kami masih cetek ilmu untuk kongsi atau share informasi bisnes online dari google adsense. Namun kami berpikir, apa salahnya sharing pengalaman dan ilmu yang penting itu boleh bermanfaat untuk pembaca. Siapa tahu dengan sharing pengalaman dan ilmu dari kami ini, pembaca boleh lebih bermotivasi dan tahu seluk beluk bisnes online dari google adsense.
Apa itu google adsense ? google adsense adalah cara gratis dan mudah bagi semua penayang atau pemilik situs web, besar mahupun kecil, untuk memperoleh pendapatan  dengan menampilkan iklan google yang bertarget di situ web mereka (versi yang kami ambil dari website resmi google adsense).
Nah sudah melirik kata “Gratis” kan hehehe, mengapa boleh dikatakan gratis sebab anda  mendaftar secara gratis hanya berbekal, anda memiliki website yang memenuhi peraturan google adsense. Website yang seperti apa yang boleh diterima di google adsense ? tentu kalau membahas yang satu ini kami harus membuat artikel khusus untuk masalah ini namun yang paling penting adalah website anda harus memiliki orisinalitas  baik dari segi konten yang ada pada website anda.
Sebenarnya mendaftar google adsense agak sukar, kebiasaan sering di terima ataupun sering di tolak itu tergantung dengan usaha, doa dan niat anda. Cara membuat blog harus belajar terlebih dahulu sebelum membuat permohonan google adsense..untuk pengetahuan anda semua ini tak pasti blog saya ke berapa . Saya buat blog ini sambil belajar bagi mendalami serta banyak belajar dengan rakan dari Negara seberang .
Sekiranya Anda belum memiliki website ? dan masih pemula dalam bisnes google adsense via website ? kami sarankan anda membuat website di Sebab disitu anda boleh membuat website secara terus dan tanpa bayaran anda hanya memerlukan akaun gmail untuk membuat website di
Namun jika anda sudah mengenal dan memiliki modal yang cukup, anda boleh membuat website dengan domain .com atau dot lainnya. Dengan website yang memerlukan modal .
Saran kami untuk anda yang ingin menggetahui bisnes online via google adsense ini, persiapkan niat, doa dan usaha yang konsisten secara berterusan. Kerana bisnes ini perlu ada semangat serta konsistensi yang tinggi, agar mendapatkan pendapatan rezeki melalui google adsense.
Memang untuk permulaan atau peringkat awal bagi mendalami bisnes ini, belum kelihatan jelas arahnya namun nanti kalau di jalani terus menerus dan selalu belajar, pasti anda boleh mendapatkan pendapatan melalui google adsense. Dan jika sudah mendapatkan rezeki melalui google adsense, selalu keluarkan zakat dari rezeki anda 2.5% pendapatan ini untuk anak yatim piatu.
Kenapa kami menyarankan anda seperti ini, kerana sejujurnya kami sudah merasakan keajaiban dari membagikan sebagian rezekii kami untuk orang yang tidak mampu dan anak yatim piatu. Malah kami selalu berfikir tentang rezeki itu amanah dari Allah Swt yang Dia berikan kepada kita supaya di sumbangkan kepada mereka yang kurang mampu. Dengan sumbangan itu pasti rezeki kita terus meningkat, kita juga merasa hidup kita ini tidak sia-sia kerana kita sudah tunaikan tanggungjawab dan bermanfaat bagi orang lain.
Mungkin tulisan atau coretan dari kami ini, masih dalam peringkat belajar dari otai atau sifu yg banyak pengalaman dalam bidang sudi tegur dan ajar kami , yang masih mentah . kami ini hanya berbagi pengalaman serta ilmu yang saat ini kami sudah dapatkan. Jika ada yang kurang  menyukai tulisan ini, kami sangat terbuka terhadap kritik serta komen dialu-alukan.
Sekiranya ada salah dan silap  mohon maaf, kerana kami juga manusia yang tak luput dari salah. semoga informasi yang kami bagikan ini dapat bermanfaat untuk anda yang mahu berkecimpung di dunia bisnes online google adsense.
Catatan : Google Adsense yang kami beritahukan adalah google adsense melalui website, untuk google adsense via

Cara Menggunakan Google Keyword Planner : Mencari Kata Kunci

Mengenai Perancang Kata Kunci

Kata-kata Planner adalah alat AdWords percuma untuk pengiklan baru atau berpengalaman itu seperti bengkel untuk membina kempen Rangkaian Carian baru atau mengembangkan yang sedia ada. Anda boleh mencari kata kunci dan kumpulan iklan idea-idea, lihat bagaimana senarai kata kunci berprestasi dan juga membuat senarai kata kunci baru dengan menggabungkan beberapa senarai kata kunci. Perancang Kata Kunci juga boleh membantu anda memilih bidaan kompetitif dan bajet untuk digunakan dengan kempen anda.

Artikel ini pergi ke atas cara anda boleh menggunakan Perancang Kata Kunci untuk meletakkan asas bagi kempen yang berjaya.

Sebelum awak bermula
Untuk mengakses Perancang Kata Kunci, log masuk ke akaun AdWords anda di Google Keyword Planner  . Jika anda tidak mempunyai akaun AdWords, belajar bagaimana untuk membuat satu.

Anda boleh menggunakan Perancang Kata Kunci untuk menyelesaikan tugas-tugas berikut:
kata kunci. Perlukan bantuan mencari kata kunci untuk menambah kempen baru? Atau, mungkin anda mahu untuk mencari kata kunci tambahan untuk menambah pada kempen sedia ada. Anda boleh mencari kata kunci dan kumpulan iklan idea berdasarkan istilah yang berkaitan dengan produk atau perkhidmatan anda, halaman arahan anda, atau kategori produk yang berbeza.

Dapatkan statistik sejarah dan ramalan trafik. Gunakan statistik seperti jumlah carian untuk membantu anda membuat keputusan kata kunci untuk digunakan untuk kempen baru atau sedia ada. Dapatkan ramalan, seperti ramalan klik dan anggaran penukaran untuk mendapatkan idea tentang bagaimana senarai kata kunci berprestasi bagi bida dan belanjawan yang diperuntukkan. Ramalan ini juga boleh membantu membimbing keputusan anda mengenai bida dan belanjawan untuk ditetapkan.
Adalah penting untuk ingat bahawa manakala Perancang Kata Kunci boleh menyediakan beberapa idea kata kunci dan ramalan trafik, prestasi kempen bergantung kepada pelbagai faktor. Sebagai contoh, tawaran, bajet, produk, dan tingkah laku pelanggan dalam industri anda boleh mempengaruhi kejayaan kempen anda.

Semasa anda menggunakan Perancang Kata Kunci, ingat untuk menyimpan tips untuk membina senarai kata kunci yang terbaik dalam fikiran. Sebagai contoh, kebanyakan pengiklan mendapati ia berguna untuk mempunyai antara 5 hingga 20 kata kunci bagi setiap kumpulan iklan.
Perancang Kata Kunci untuk kajian kata kunci

Anda boleh menggunakan Perancang Kata Kunci untuk membantu anda mendapatkan statistik sejarah seperti data jumlah carian idea kata kunci baru, atau untuk mendapatkan ramalan pada idea-idea kata kunci supaya anda boleh merancang bajet anda. Bahagian ini menerangkan setiap satu daripada pilihan yang ada dalam Perancang Kata Kunci.

Monday, April 13, 2015


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Friday, September 5, 2014

Where Can You Find Motorcycles for Sale?

It may seem like motorcycles for sale are everywhere, but just how reliable and dependable are these resources? A motorcycle can be a great investment and an important aspect of your life. Bikes are statements of your personality and a reflection of your lifestyle. Like many people, you can't just stop at one bike; you often want multiple options or even to start collecting them. In regards to these individuals, a standard visit to the local dealership may not be enough. Here, you can learn about the different places that are available where you can explore your options and get the best deal.
One natural starting place to find motorcycles for sale is the local dealership. You may be surprised at how few there may be in your local area. Naturally, these shops set up where there is enough demand, and depending on your region, there simply may not be enough demand. If this is the case, first research the dealership before you travel halfway across the state. Research is simple with the internet and review websites. You may also want to turn to local people, who you know are experienced in purchasing, and ask them for recommendations. Word of mouth is generally a high indicator of reliability. These places are great because you can try out the bike that you have been eyeing, and speak to a knowledgeable individual in person.
If dealerships are not an option or if you are looking for a more rare or vintage model, check out eBay and Craigslist. While these are not the most dependable resources, they can turn up great bargains and treasures. If you decide to use these resources for motorcycles for sale, you need to increase the amount of research you do. It's not enough that you are familiar with the model that is up for sale; you need to know about the condition, the fair market value, and the common problems. Some of these sellers may not be very forthcoming with their information or may be completely clueless. For these transactions, bring a knowledgeable friend or hire a consultant. Of course, if the price is right and the interest is high, you may just want to take that risk and roll the dice.
Another great resource is online brokers that match individuals to the bikes of their dreams. This is a premium service but you can generally expect to get what you pay for, which is amazing dedication and likely a great purchase. You should turn to this when you really want a particular bike. You should have the model, year, condition, and your desired price in mind before you contact one of these services. That way, the broker can start their work immediately rather than spend time trying to consult with you on all the different models that may fit your ideal vision.
It's time to get that motorcycle you have always wanted. Start your research the right way and head over to
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Top Signs Your Car Needs Auto Repair!

Like going to a doctor when you get sick, auto repair is occasionally necessary to keep your car healthy and functional. Sometimes, a car's problems are difficult to detect, and can only be treated once the damage is done. Many other times, however, auto repair costs can be minimized by early detection of key indicators that may signify car trouble. While these examples are by no means complete, they do present a good start!
Does your engine whine or rumble when pumping the breaks at a stop sign? If so, this may be an early indication of brake pads beginning to wear down. While not initially a serious problem, this should be taken to an automotive repair shop sooner than later. Replacing brake pads is a relatively simple and inexpensive task. Wait too long, however, and it could result in lengthier, not to mention costlier, fixes! Just knowing you can come to a full and complete stop whenever necessary will probably make those morning commutes a little less stressful.
Sometimes while driving, people may notice the faint (or, unfortunately, strong) scent of burning oil. This is almost undoubtedly due to a leak somewhere under your vehicle, which is causing motor oil to sizzle against the hotter parts in the system. Most people don't wish to smell like hot petroleum every time they arrive at their destination, but they also probably don't want to pay for continual oil refills. Like brake pads, this is an easy problem to ignore, but the benefits of early auto repair are far more economical, safe, and altogether less smelly in the long run.
So, you're able to stop whenever you want to, and your car no longer trails smoke. But now, your ride feels springier, and it's beginning to give you a bit of a headache. Sounds like your shocks are wearing down. Kids bouncing around in the backseat may think the drive is a lot more fun, but your chassis is suffering for it. Shock systems often deteriorate after regular exposure to rough roads, or just general overuse. So, replacing them when necessary will smooth out those trips a whole lot more.
While these tips are for just a few of the more easily detectable and fixable problems, just being on the lookout for these indicators will save you stress and money. In general, if something feels off, it just might be! Regular auto repair shop visits will help keep you and your loved ones (including your car!) safe and sound as you drive through life.
For trusted auto repair, Lake Oswego drivers turn to Todd's Automotive. Learn more about our services at
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Top Tips for Fuel Efficient Driving

Expert Author Larry Luther
Today, people need more fuel efficient vehicles. The automobile industry is booming, petrol prices are steadily hiking, and global warming is taking a turn for the worst- as a consumer with multiple choices and responsibilities to keep in mind while driving, here are our top tips for fuel efficient driving.
· The way you drive can make the biggest difference to how much fuel you save or waste. Remember, its a car, not a battering ram, so don't hit the brakes on your vehicle with force. Stopping and starting time and again eat away at your fuel in an enormous capacity. Aim for smooth and steady drives.
· If your vehicle uses a manual gearbox, try to shift into the highest gear as early as possible for maximal fuel efficiency. Driving in a lower gear than necessary consumes fuel more quickly, as a rule. Power options tend to ease the car into lower gears, so evade them as far as possible.
· Your money's turning into thin air! Avoid fuel evaporation by screwing the gas cap onto your car very securely after filling the tank and by parking in the shade to prevent overheating- this also reduces the necessity for air conditioning. If winters are frosty where you live, you can use a block heater when temperatures fall below -20 degrees Celsius, to keep your engine oil and coolant heated.
· Don't let your car idle. Yes, the traffic light will go green at any moment, but a significant portion of fuel will burn away while you wait for it. Turn off your ignition if you're waiting outside someone's home, or in front of the supermarket.
· Avoid speeding at all costs- not only might you have a nasty run in with the law, but upwards of 75-90 miles/h, your car may use up to 25% more fuel than if you stick to the speed limit or stay below 65 miles/h.
· Your tires are big contributors to the way your car treats fuel. Tires inflated to the correct pressure level and low-resistance tires (eco-friendly tires are built to reduce rolling resistance) provide a quantifiable advantage in fuel efficiency. For every increment of underinflation equal to 5% of the ideal pressure in a car's tires, there is a 1% reduction in the vehicle's fuel efficiency.
· Try to avoid channelling power and thus fuel to components you aren't using, or don't necessarily require. For example, a mini fridge, television console, boombox, or even the air conditioning.
· Get your car in the workshop for servicing at the recommended times. If your air filters are unclean, if your engine oil has been unchanged for over 5000 miles, or if your engine is poorly tuned, your fuel economy could be in trouble.
· Make sure you haven't rendered your car un-aerodynamic with any unwieldy accessories on the outside. These create drag that slows your car down and causes depletion in fuel efficiency. Drag is also created by leaving windows open when driving at high speeds and weighing your car down by filling up the trunk with unnecessary junk. Toss it
· The most obvious way to economize on fuel would be to drive less. Learn to navigate in a way, that saves time and distance travelled, and try to anticipate traffic jams and road blockages- for example, in the cases of heavy rains or festivals.
These foolproof tips should have you on your way to reducing harmful carbon emissions and making the most of one of the world's most precious commodities. There are plenty of fuel efficient cars for sale and you just need to choose the right one!
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