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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Top 5 Safety Tips For Road Trips

Many times in our hectic lives we decide last minute to take a break from the rat race. While it always is nice to decide something last minute. Safety is something that should be decided in advance. You need to be prepared at all times while riding a motorcycle only allows you to enhance your safety. I am going to share with you what I feel is my top 5 tip or items to always have with you when you are traveling. While it does take some time to get these things gathered and some purchased. Many of these tips are a one shot deal, and once you have added them to your road plans you will not have to think about them again. But will be very thankful you have them god forbid you have problems.
Tip1: Fist Aid Kit. Always remember to purchase a complete First Aid Kit and bring it along with you. Now days First Aid Kits can be pretty extensive, I feel that the more variety is always the best choice. We sometimes forget to restock the First Aid Kit once we have used something out of it. The best habit to get into is when you use something make sure it is replaced before going out again. A couple of add ins for the First Aid Kit is a cell phone, flashlight, spare cash, a map of where you are traveling, food, and fresh water. Make sure that your cell phone is fully charged and you have new batteries in your flashlight. An hour long trip can turn into 6-9 hour trip quickly and you will want to make sure that your battery will last those extra hours. Spare cash is always a good habit to get into. Having saddlebag or extra storage on your motorcycle for these items is a great idea. Putting that extra cash that you don't touch unless it's an emergency is a great safety tip.
Tip2: Light weight blanket. Putting a light weight blanket or extra clothing in your saddlebag or storage bags on your motorcycle will come in handy if you run into unexpected travel conditions. Depending on the time of year of travel and area you are traveling in you will want to adjust the thickness of these items. If god forbid something happened and you had to wait for help while it got chilly it is nice to have that spare clothing or blanket to keep warm.
Tip3: Travel as a group. Traveling as a group, not only increase your visibility on the road but also adds to the number of helping hands if something where to go wrong. Another great benefit to traveling in a group is that you have more resources in an accident. Many people react differently when in stressful situations and having extra people to help calm the chaos can make things easier to deal with.
Tip 4: Check Road Conditions. It may not sound like something you should have to do if you travel the same road all the time, but things change without notice and you must always be prepared. If traveling somewhere new it is always a good idea to check on the internet for any advice on the area in which you will be traveling or asking someone you know, who has traveled there before. Checking a couple days in advance is always good, but don't forget to check as your walking out the door.
Tip 5: Let Someone Know: It may sound a bit strange that once we have grown up and are out on our own that we should still have to check in with someone. Letting someone know where you plan on traveling helps them to know that you are safe. Making a plan on where you will be at what time helps so if something happens they can let the authorities know a more specific location. A good idea is to always call when you have arrived at your location and at least one call along the way if it is going to be more than a 5 hour ride. Always lean toward the side of caution.
There are many more things that you should take into consideration when planning a trip on the open road. Many times things will change depending on what trip you are taking, but these are my top 5 tips for any type of road trip to add to your safety. Going on rides is a wonderful adventure that changes every time, to keep them on a positive note being prepared is a necessity.
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