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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Stylish Leather Motorcycle Jackets Exude Charisma and Provide Protection to Your Upper Torso

Expert Author Mohsin Aziz
In the occurrence of a collision or a motorcycle accident, the upper torso- shoulders, arms and elbow joints- is most susceptible to severe injuries or terminal damage. As an adept biker, you should be aware of the fact that the inevitable consequence of a bruised elbow or a scarred shoulder will be a sharp, palpable pain that will confine you to your bed for a minimum of two days. Therefore, in order to ensure that your shoulders and arms remain in optimal working condition, you should buy a well-stitched, durable motorcycle jacket- one that will protect your body from the drastic repercussions of a motorcycle crash. Listed below are some of the incentives for buying high quality motorcycle jackets.
• Leather is a fabric that has been in vogue since the ancient times. Due to the manifold advantages of this fabric, the demand for leather biker jackets supersedes all other types of jackets manufactured by the automotive industry. Essentially leather has high tensile and tear strength and thus, can last up to several years without depicting any observable signs of wear and tear. For added protection and comfort, most biker jackets have padded shoulders and reinforced stitching in the elbow region.
• Leather biker jackets are also flexible and will beautifully enhance the flattering aspects of your upper body. Waist length jackets are worn by bikers who want to flaunt a singularly bold yet masculine look. On the contrary, leather jackets that extend beneath the pelvis project a charismatic demeanor.
• Although a black leather jacket has been regarded as an outstanding symbol of the biker cult since the 1950s; nonetheless, varied colored biker jackets have been launched in recent years and at present are widely praised by the biker community. Motorcycle jackets for women are available in pink, purple, blue and shimmering red shades.
• If you were a teenager during the 80s, you can opt for a black jacket in order to simulate the stunning look exhibited by your favorite anarchistic heart throbs such as Mick Jagger or Bruce Springsteen.
• In terms of quality, most motorcycle jackets have rust-resistant zippers and buttons. These buttons and zippers are chrome polished and add that glamorous silvery look to your jacket. Furthermore, almost all varieties of leather jackets have deep pockets that are ideal for safekeeping and instant retrieval of wallets, keys, ready cash etc.
A suitably vented, well-fitted jacket will not only result in self-admiration but will also attract promising attention from the onlookers.
Want to find out more about motorcycle jackets, all of you female bikers can visit the author's site on how to choose the best motorcycle jackets for women for your needs.
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