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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Do Not Use Bald Tires!

A lot of accidents, which would have otherwise been avoided, occur due to use of worn out or bald tires. A study done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2009 indicates that a staggering 50 percent of the interviewed motorists had a worn out tire. The allowed groove depth, by law, for a new tire is 10/32 of an inch all round whereas that of a worn out tire is 2/32 of an inch. Motorists are advised to keep the limit for wear and tear to 4/32 of an inch. However some riders go up to the 2/32nd point, jeopardizing road safety. Shinko motorcycle tires are within the set standard of tread groove depths.
You may regularly check the tread wear of your wheels by using the below methods:
1. By placing a penny in the grooves of your wheel. If the Lincoln head is more and more visible then your tire is worn out! To be on the safe side, use your wheel to the 4/32 of an inch point. Replace your tire as soon as you get to this point.
2. You will find tread wear indicators (usually marked by a triangle sign or "TWI" initials) inside your tires which signify wear. As the tread wear indicators get more visible, your tire is continuously wearing out. Shinko uses the tread-depth gauge technology on all of their line of motorcycle tires.
Uses of motorbikes determine the life span of a motorcycle tire. Bikes used for racing, street cruising and motorsports wear faster compared to those used for touring purposes. The manufacturers of Shinko Motorcycle tires recommend regular check of tread depth. Uses of motorbikes causes uneven wearing of tires which threatens the overall balancing of a bike while driving.
There is a higher chance of experiencing hydroplaning during wet seasons when using worn out tires.
On another note, always confirm the manufacture date of wheels when purchasing. Motorcycle tires that are older than 6 years equally bear the same risk as that of a worn out tire. Idle tires have a higher chance of blowing up, whether in use or not.
Worn out tires require a longer stopping distance compared to new tires. Evidently, this is a looming accident. Manufacturers of motorcycle tires, like Shinko motorcycle tires, warn against using worn out tires because they do not respond to emergency braking posing great danger while on the road.
What to do
Replace all worn out tires as fast as you can. As a rider, you need a motorcycle with a good traction. Most bikes' tires have deep tread groove, especially Shinko dual tires which are used for both on road and offroad motorbikes.
Alternatively you may rotate your tires to ensure even wearing. Shinko motorcycle tires do not need to be replaced if your tires are not worn out to 4/32 of an inch, due to their deep
grooves and rubber compound. This is the TWI of all Shinko motorcycle tires. Just interchange them and you are good to go.
Arline Wambugi from, the country's leading retailers of Shinko Motorcycle Tires
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