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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Revealed - Learning to Spot an Acura Transmission Problem

Expert Author Denise Beresford
Acura transmissions are not invincible. Eventually, the transmission will wear out and will need to be repaired or completely replaced. For any driver the most important thing is being able to find the problem early and then be able to solve it. Catching issues early nearly always results in mountains of money being saved when taking the vehicle to a mechanic. That's why this guide is imperative for drivers who want to check their transmission.
Shifting is Hard
Hard shifting is a sign that the performance of a transmission is starting to slip. It's an issue that appears in both automatic and manual cars, and the symptoms are different when it comes to each type of car.
Automatic Acura drivers will see the problem as a jerky shuttering when attempting to shift between gears. Sometimes the shaking will become erratic and the car will seem confused as to which gear it needs to be in. Manual Acura transmissions are different, however, in that it simply becomes more difficult to put the car in the correct gear. Apart from the NSX supercar, all Acura vehicles are front-wheel drive so the shaking will be more noticeable due to the increase in hardness.
Cold Shift
Experiencing shifting issues during cold weather is not a sign that the transmission has broken or that it has an immediate problem it's merely an early sign that there will be a problem at some point. Again, there's a difference between manual and automatic cars in that the symptoms are slightly different.
Automatic Acura cars will feel as if the engine is actively fighting against shifting to a certain gear, even when the correct RPM ranges have been entered into. Manual cars will have trouble getting their vehicle into the correct gear as a feeling of sluggishness will be felt. Both of these symptoms will disappear once the weather begins to get better, though. Don't ignore the issue even if it goes away as it's an early wake-up call to take it in for a check-up with a mechanic.
When gears start to slip within Acura transmissions it's a serious warning sign that the whole system is about to collapse and that the driver needs to get it in for repair. In this situation the symptom is the same for both automatic and manual transmissions in that the gears won't catch when the shifting process is initiated. Of course, this symptom will express itself in a slightly different way when it comes to the different types of transmission.
Short bursts of extreme RPMs will be present when the transmission attempts to shift through the gears, whereas manuals will require the clutch to be let out slower for the gears to catch. A caught transmission may even be felt long after the gear has been shifted, although when it comes to Acura cars with a hydraulic clutch it could actually indicate a problem with a leaky master cylinder.
Check out the full range of Honda servicing including Acura transmissions at Imperial Transmissions in Raleigh NC.
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